Trachydosaurus rugosus


Order Squamata


Length is 13 in. Considerable geographic variation in color and pattern. Typically dull reddish-brown, dark brown or blackish above with scattered cream or yellow spots or blotches, especially on flanks, and whitish below. Scales rough, pinecone-like, especially prominent on the blunt tail. Limbs short, the hind-limb about 1/5 the body length. Also has a dark blue tongue.


Widely distributed over the southern half of continental Australia, throughout desert regions.


Not protected in international trade.

Photo by Grant Kessler / © Lincoln Park Zoo



Shelters under fallen timber, leaf-litter and porcupine grass when inactive.
Ominivorous. Feeds on insects and other arthropods, snails,carrion, flowers, fruit and berries. Subterranean and terrestrial; solitary except during mating. Preyed upon by large mammals and birds of prey.

Life History

Spends most of its life in and out of sand dug burrows or rocky structures. They can have 1-3 live young per year that are about 5 in.long at birth. Live up to 20 yrs. in captivity.

Special Adaptations

  • When threatened they bend their body into a semicircle, open the mouth widely, extend their tongue, and emit a threatening hissingsound.
  • The tail looks like the head to confuse attackers.
  • Strong jaws to bite attackers.
  • The young's first meal consists of the afterbirth which includes a large amount of yolk for nutrition.
  • Large scales for protection.